
We will assess your back and determine the cause of pain.

Low back pain may be due to a disc problem, a tight facet joint or muscle spasm. Depending on the cause we may use a combination of manual therapy, joint mobilisation and exercise to treat the problem and provide relief. If further investigation or a scan is required we will liaise with your GP to organise this.

Back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. At Clonmel Premier Physiotherapy, we specialize in providing effective, personalized treatments to alleviate soreness and restore optimal function.

Understanding Back Pain

Pain in the back can stem from various causes, including poor posture, muscle strain, herniated discs, and degenerative conditions such as arthritis. Our experienced physiotherapists at Clonmel Premier Physiotherapy are skilled in diagnosing the root causes and developing tailored treatment plans to address each patient’s unique needs.

Comprehensive Assessment

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment to understand the specific nature of your pain. This includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and, if necessary, diagnostic imaging. By identifying the underlying issues, we can create a customized treatment plan designed for effective and lasting relief.

Targeted Treatment Plans

Physiotherapy offers a range of treatments to manage and alleviate back pain. At Clonmel Premier Physiotherapy, we utilize evidence-based techniques such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities like heat or cold therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation. These treatments aim to reduce inflamation, improve mobility, and strengthen the muscles supporting the spine.

Posture and Ergonomics

In addition to hands-on treatments, we emphasize the importance of posture and ergonomics. Our physiotherapists provide guidance on maintaining proper posture and advise on ergonomic adjustments at work or home to prevent recurrence of pain.

Education and Prevention

Education is a crucial component of our care. We empower our patients with knowledge about their condition and teach exercises and lifestyle modifications to manage and prevent their pain. By understanding how to care for their back, patients can reduce the likelihood of future issues.

Your Path to Pain-Free Living

At Clonmel Premier Physiotherapy, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life. If you’re struggling, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

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